China Layar Tampilan njaba Produsen, Pemasok, Pabrik

Layar Tampilan njaba bisa disesuaikan kanthi rega murah saka pabrik kita. PVD minangka produsen lan pemasok profesional Layar Tampilan njaba ing China. Sugeng rawuh kanggo tuku produk kita kanthi garansi 3 taun. Kauntungan saka produk kita gampang dijaga.

Produk Panas

  • P10 Advertising Billboard Outdoor LED Display

    P10 Advertising Billboard Outdoor LED Display

    Temokake pilihan akeh P10 Advertising Billboard Outdoor LED Display saka China ing PVD®. P0.9 P2.5 P3 P4 P5 P6 P10 gedhe HD digital billboard tandha mimpin rega layar tampilan.
  • Kios Pesenan 32 Inch Kanthi Sistem Windows

    Kios Pesenan 32 Inch Kanthi Sistem Windows

    PVD® minangka Kiosk Pesenan 32 Inch China kanthi produsen, pemasok lan eksportir Sistem Windows. Hot sade gaya direktori kiosk kiosk informasi digital karo lcd iklan tampilan monitor.
  • Tampilan LED Fleksibel 3D

    Tampilan LED Fleksibel 3D

    Temokake pilihan akeh Tampilan LED Fleksibel 3D saka China ing PVD. Dibangun kanggo acara njero ruangan / ruangan, kanthi desain bobot entheng nggampangake instalasi, Kanthi tingkat refresh sing dhuwur lan skala abu-abu sing dhuwur, uga disebut panel sing dipimpin rental utawa layar sing dipimpin rental, sing akeh digunakake ing pusat pameran njero ruangan, ibadah gereja, balai hotel. , lsp; lan layar sing dipimpin rental ruangan digunakake ing festival musik, upacara manten.
  • 75 inch Interactive flat panel tampilan

    75 inch Interactive flat panel tampilan

    As the professional manufacturers, PVD would like to provide you high quality 75 inch Interactive flat panel displays. And we will offer you the best after-sale service and timely delivery.
  • Floor Stand Double Side Digital Signage

    Floor Stand Double Side Digital Signage

    Temokake pilihan signage digital sisih dobel Floor stand saka China ing PVD®. 55 inch floor stand 4K kios pamuter iklan signage digital android.
  • 4k Hd Mulus Tembok Video LCD Bezel Sempit

    4k Hd Mulus Tembok Video LCD Bezel Sempit

    PVD® minangka produsen, pemasok lan eksportir China 4k Hd Seamless Narrow Bezel LCD Video Wall. Monitor Bezel Ultra Seamless 55 Inch LCD TV Ngarep Video Wall Full HD.

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